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High School Boys
Leadership Training Program

High School LTP
For High School boys who want serious formation
HS LTP includes access to Wednesday Formation Nights, service project and end-of-semester retreat.
Formation nights are designed to form Catholic leaders.
Mini-retreats are designed to form Catholic leaders whose Faith penetrates their daily lives.
$155 Per Semester (scholarships available)
Location for Formation Nights and Retreat:
Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center
7007 Bradley Blvd., Bethesda, MD 20817
Formation Nights & Other Events
Preparing Guys to Face the World as Catholic Men
Meetings are held every other Wednesday from 6:30pm-8:30pm
Includes formation talks by LC priests and college missionaries, pizza, and Christian Leadership Formation Activities.
Service projects will be offered throughout the semester.
4— HS LTP Meeting
11— HS LTP with Mass
14— Christmas Mission, Nativity Parish
19— HS Meeting w/Mass
5— HS Meeting w/Mass
14-16— HS Retreat in Cheshire
19— HS LTP Meeting
2— HS Meeting w/Mass
5— HS Retreat, Castleton
16— HS LTP Meeting
17-19— Holy Week Missions
7— HS Meeting w/Mass
10-11 — Weekend at Castleton

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