The Leadership Training Program is forming young men and women in faith, integrity and character. We depend on the generosity of the community to provide resources that enable us to accomplish our mission.
LTP is a registered program of Mission Network, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in the United States of America.
LTP is directed by men and women who have made vows of poverty, chastity and obedience: the Consecrated Women of Regnum Christi and Legionaries of Christ priests and seminarians.
Part of the costs of this program is supporting these men and women who rely on the income and donations. The cost of living per year for a Consecrated Woman serving in the Capitol Area is $30,000. The cost of a Legionary of Christ serving here is $23,000.
Our primary sources of income are the yearly fees and donations. Our goal is that the yearly fee be as affordable as possible so we can offer this program to a broad audience. Donations help us keep these costs low.
Affiliated with LTP is a camp site in Castleton, VA, where boys and girls participate in a weekend getaway to learn and grow in virtue. We are currently working on a development plan of the campground to build a multipurpose building that will cost approx. $300,000.
All gifts, no matter the size, are sincerely appreciated.
An investment in LTP is an investment in your children and the formation of the Christian leaders of tomorrow.