1. Who are we?
Legionaries of Christ
The Legion of Christ is a Roman Catholic religious congregation of priests and men studying for
the priesthood. A priest is a man chosen by God to participate in a special way in Jesus Christ’s eternal
priesthood. He receives the power to turn bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Jesus
Christ, and to forgive sins in God’s name. By their religious profession, Legionaries commit themselves to imitate and follow Christ in poverty, chastity, and obedience. They dedicate themselves totally to God, who is their supreme love, and for the love of Him, they are fully available to serve wherever and however God asks of them through obedience. With the help of God’s grace, we aspire to make Jesus Christ the center, standard, and example of our religious, priestly, and apostolic lives. Extending Christ’s Kingdom is the ideal that inspires and nourishes our spiritual and apostolic efforts.
Consecrated Women of Regnum Christi
The Consecrated Women of Regnum Christi are lay women consecrated to God, who respond to His
invitation of love through private vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. We dedicate ourselves to the
work of evangelization, serving in various missions according to the Regnum Christi charism. We live
a fraternal life in international communities.
Regnum Christi Missionaries
The Regnum Christi Missionaries are participants in Regnum Christi's 1-2 year volunteer program for men and
women ages 18-25 who desire to serve Christ and His Church through meaningful and intentional mission work. Our Program is a one or two year commitment that helps young men and women grow in their faith while serving parishes, schools, youth groups, and families throughout the country.
2. Why do we do LTP?
Amidst a very driven and competitive environment, LTP channels a young person's ambition for excellence in a very meaningful way. LTP gives participants the experience of making an impact on the lives of others – whether it be the Mentors impacting the Juniors through their leadership, or those that the LTP members serve through service projects. It allows participants to form their identity as young men and women who seek to better the world around them and feel empowered to do so.
3. What is the draw for the kids?
Participants receive a donut every session. They also play games and participate in engaging activities. LTP is peer-led and the sessions are relevant and attractive for the children.
4. What is a typical schedule at LTP?
3:30 arrive and sports/games
4:00 Snack
4:15 introduction talk
4:25 preparation for public speaking activity
4:45 presentations
4:55 wrap up
5:00 dismissal
3:30 Arrive, Sports, Snack
4:00 Leadership activity, Virtue talk, and one-on-one mentoring
4:30 Public speaking or team activity
4:50 Wrap-up
5:00 Dismissal
5. What schools are represented in LTP?
Our Lady of Mercy - The Heights - Mater Dei - Blessed Sacrament - The Woods - Pyle - St Luke’s - Holy Child - Cooper Middle - Langley High - Holy Redeemer - St. Bartholomew’s - Holy Trinity - St Raphael - Avalon - Holy Redeemer - Wootton - Georgetown Prep - St John’s College Prep - Gonzaga
6. What are the age groups and how are they grouped?
Boys and girls are separate for the sessions, but generally in the same location.
Boys 1st - 4th grade are considered Juniors.
Boys 5th - 8th grade are considered Mentors.
Participants are divided into teams of 3-4 members, and the Mentors teach the Juniors the virtue of the
semester through a story. Mentors also help the Juniors prepare for the public speaking presentation.
Girls 1st - 4th grade are considered Juniors
Girls 5th - 8th grade are considered Mentors
Participants are divided into teams and the Mentors lead the Juniors through dynamic activities that transmit the
virtues of the lesson in an experiential way.
7. What is the role of the mentors and how much interaction do the kids get with the mentors?
The Mentors have several sessions before the Junior sessions begin to give them attention and leadership
training. During the ordinary sessions, the Mentors have their sports separate at the beginning and then
are directly involved with the Juniors. During one of the sessions with just the Mentors, we organize a
service project during the time of LTP.
The mentors have sessions where they receive leadership training before the Junior sessions begin. They are guided
through the theme of the year, speaking to how it is relevant to them in their lives. The goal is to form mentors who embody in their own lives what they are transmitting to their peers so as to form young women of integrity and coherent character. The Mentors help lead the Junior meetings through opportunities for public speaking: performing skits, leading small group discussions, and giving brief talks related to the theme of the year.
8. Who works with whom?
Legionaries of Christ
Fr. Vito Crincoli, Boy’s LTP Director
Fr. Vinh Pham
Regnum Christi Missionaries
Consecrated Women
Racine Silva, Girl’s LTP Director
Regnum Christi Missionaries